Melon KiBerry - Summer Treat!

Helloooo friends.... I am back again with another quick recipe which is an effective thirst quencher and coolant to beat the summer heat with amazing health benefits!

It's always good to eat a fruit as it is instead of making juice adding sugar and other sweeteners.   My family enjoys eating all types of fruits... In summer season, you get juicy watermelons in the market and we all love eating this fruit with some chaat masala and rock salt. 

My sister was at home last Saturday and she had come during the afternoon and I asked her what she wanted to  have.... She said I would prefer having something cold in this hot weather :).

I offered her a glass of  water and asked her to wait for 5 to 10 minutes as I was planning to make fresh watermelon juice for all.  I got into the kitchen to make the drink... After Priya  had the juice,  she told me that it was very refreshing! We decided to name the drink and after understanding the ingredients that was used to make the drink, she named it Melon KiBerry :)

It's basically a drink which is filling and keeps us energetic and active for hours.

I am sure most of you will have the fruit in your kitchen... so why wait... get going and make this refreshing drink for friends and family!

Ingredients :

(Serves 5)

Watermelon : 1 Medium size
Kiwi Crush - 3 tbsp
Strawberry Crush - 1/4th cup
Lemon Juice - 1/2 Lemon
Grated Ginger - 1/2 tbsp
Rock Salt - as per taste
White Pepper Powder - 1/2 tbsp
Ice Cubes
Mint Leaves

Method :

Cut the watermelon into big slices and deseed them. You may cut them into big cubes and in a juicer or mixer grind it.  The puree will be a little bit slushy.  Pour the puree into a very fine sieve. Put the Kiwi Crush and Strawberry crush and grater ginger and Ice cubes and once again grind in the mixer.  Add this to the watermelon juice.  Add all other ingredients i.e. lemon juice, rock salt, white pepper powder and mix well.   With a help of scooper you can get round shaped melon balls and while you serve the drink, garnish it with the melon balls and mint leaves.  Serve this immediately and chilled.

Enjoy your drink and don't forget to post your comments!
