Dates (Khajoor) Surprise - Valentine's Day Special

Valentine’s Day is the celebration of love, beauty and romantic mood. Happy couples want to make it special and unforgettable :)

Being a good wife is not easy, even if you have a near-perfect husband. To be a good wife, you have to be able to communicate effectively, to keep your romance alive, and to be your husband's best friend...

The beginning of the Valentine week, I got him a red rose and told him that on the 14th Feb, you can gift me something big :)  By the time, my hubby came back home from office,  I had quickly made this easy and simple "Dates - Khajoor Surprise" for him...To my big surprise, my Valentine gift from him that evening was the booking of a Trip to Sikkim... which I am looking forward to this summer!

Hope you all had a memorable Valentine's Day too!

If you like this recipe... do not forget to share it, pin it, post it to your friends circle...

Ingredients :
Dates (Khajoor) seedless - cut into small pieces - 1cup
Marie Biscuit - 5
Ghee - 2 tsp
Cocoa Powder - 1 tbsp
Badam (Almond) Powder - 2 tbsp

Method :

In a non stick kadai add the cut Dates and heat this mixture for few minutes on low flame.  Now add the Cocoa Powder & Almond powder and bind this together to a soft dough.  You can make around 7 to eight round balls.

Make small roti's a little bigger than the biscuit of the above mixture.  Now keep one biscuit on this dates roti and cover this well... refer the picture for more clarity.  Repeat this process by putting the biscuit and covering with the roti and now this will look like a cylinder.  Cover this with the help of a silver foil and freeze this for around an hour.

Remove the dessert and with the help of a sharp knife cut this in a slanting shape and serve this treat to your loved ones!

Enjoy... look forward to your comments & feedback!


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