Sulimani Chai - Malabar Spiced Tea

My sister, Priya introduced me to Sulaimani Tea... also known as the Malabar Spiced Tea!

This refreshing tea can be replaced with the regular tea... It's aromatic, very soothing and in case you are suffering from cold and throat infections... then this is an excellent drink!

You can prepare this tea with very few ingredients... I already have received excellent feedback from my colleagues at office when they had this tea... I am sure you will also enjoy this drink... So let's quickly make the Sulaimani Tea and enjoy every sip of it :)

Ingredients :

Water - 2 cups
Tea Powder - 1/2 tsp
Grated ginger - 1/2 tsp
Clove - 1
Cardamom - 1
Jaggery - 2 tsp
Lemon Juice - 1/2 tsp
Mint leaves - 2 to 3

Method :

In a bowl add water.  When the water boils, add grated ginger, Powdered cardamom, clove & jaggery and boil for 2 minutes. Now add the tea powder and boil for 3 minutes.

Filter the tea in to a glass or cup.  Add lemon juice, mix well. Add mint leaves to Sulaimani tea just before you serve it.

Enjoy.... Do share, like and leave your feedback on this recipe!
